At midlife, a big mental shift happens when you realize that life is half over and your time on this earth is getting shorter by the day. All of those things that we were leaving until “later” suddenly take on new meaning. Did you want to turn your side hustle into a business? Are you looking to change careers? Are you ready to take a sabbatical? Were you hoping to learn how to paint, or to write that book you’ve been thinking about?

The number of weeks and years we have left to accomplish big things is decreasing. What important things are on your life to achieve? And what do you want to get started on now?
Sometimes it’s helpful to think about things from the future. At the end of your life, what would be your biggest regrets of the things you didn’t do?
It’s important to add relationships to your list. Are there people you’ve been meaning to reach out to? Relationships you’ve been meaning to mend? That person from high school you haven’t talked to in 30 years and you still think about them?
There’s no time like the present to take action on the dreams you’ve always had.
Need help getting started achieving big things? I’m here to help!